Our Services

Specialized Services

In order to be as responsive as possible to circumstances requiring specialized services, we have established dedicated  programs, each with its intended referral audiences and exclusive service mandates. 


Our Client Pathways™ service model, for instance, allows our case managers to deliver consistent and comprehensive service to each and every client, no matter what the injury or circumstance.


Our suite of medical and psychological assessment and treatment services is offerered under the MEDNet® service name. MEDNet® providers are established, pre-qualified and contracted professionals who have specific types of expertise and who share our fundamental values and principles.


Our FirstAssist™ discharge facilitation service is dedicated to the needs of hospital discharge professionals for JIT (just in time) responsiveness by our Occupational Therapists, Nurses and Social Workers. WorkPathways® is our specialize suite of twenty assessment, treatment and Return-To-Work services for employers, disability insurers and legal professionals.


Our Loss Analytics and Litigation Support practice is dedicated to the specialized documentary and expert evidence requirements of plaintiff and defence counsel.

Trusted and chosen by...

Medical Professionals, Employers, Personal Injury Lawyers, Insurers, Hospital Discharge Professionals, the WSIB and Consumers. Our referral partners recognize our uncommon approach to case assignments, which starts with an understanding of their respective regulatory, compliance, benefit and funding contexts.

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